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Feb 11Remodel Your Bathroom

6 Tips To Remodel Your Bathroom

Posted on February 11th, 2020 5:47 AM in Tips & Ideas

Remodel Your Bathroom

When you hear the words Remodel Your Bathroom put together in the same sentence, you might imagine high price tags and weeks of construction. But not all Remodel Your Bathroom ideas are created equal when it comes to time and money. You can make a big change in your bathroom by making small, targeted changes in specific areas. For example, putting in new light fixtures can give the room an entirely new look and feel. You don’t have to change anything else in the room to make it feel fresh. Here is some bathroom remodel ideas that target specific parts of the room. Also, which allows you to revamp your home without making any major changes.


Shower And Bath Remodel


Shower and bath remodel tend to be pretty dramatic. So, that’s not the best area to start on if you want to focus on a low-key remodeling project. There are plenty of things you can do that won’t require large-scale demolition and the installation of several square feet of tile. Your vanity or sink area, for example, offers you the opportunity to make a big impact without a lot of labor. Our vanities and sink consoles are polished and elegant full pieces that are easy to install in a short time frame. We even offer some customizable options so you can get exactly what you want. This is a great area to focus on for your remodel. If you feel that your counter or storage space is limited, or if you find yourself sharing a single sink.

You may not have a problem with the way your current sink console is designed and laid out. But, you can still focus on this part of the room for your mini-remodel. How’s the area directly above the sink? Is there anything about it that you feel could be more efficient? Do you dislike the mirror, or wish you had some storage up there? Installing a medicine cabinet or pivoting wall mirror above your sink. Which is a small change that can make a huge visual impact while also making space feel more useful. This is an especially good idea if your current sink setup has a generic flat mirror install. Replacing this plain pane with one of our stylish mirrors can make the room look dramatically different.

Bathroom Remodelling

Another way to make use of the vertical wall space in your bathroom is to add some shelving. Also, Adding storage options in other parts of the room that aren’t directly in front of the sink. This is a great way to change up a small bathroom with limited floor space. Putting shelves on the wall wherever you have the room to spare, be it above the toilet or next to your towel bar, will not only give you more storage space but also some visual interest on your walls.

Bathroom Remodelling


The towel bar itself can be a focal point for a small remodeling project in the bathroom. Fixtures that are old, too small, rusty or just plain boring can easily be swapped out for newer, more attractive options. We offer a range of different bathroom fixtures, including glossy chrome towel bars, gleaming brass wall hooks, and sturdy but sleek towel rings in a variety of different shapes and sizes. From small modern powder rooms to large traditional bathrooms, you’ll be able to find fixtures to suit your needs.

If even those minor changes seem like too much, or if you’re renting your place and can’t make any structural changes at all, consider a complete decor overhaul in place of a physical remodel. Sell or donate everything and start over: new towels, rugs, countertop accessories, shower curtain, the works. Start over with a totally clean slate and the room will feel like new.

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